Diagnosis: Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus
Description: Compressible purple nodules
Morphology: Nodule,purple
Site: Neck front
Sex: M
Age: 44
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
44 year old male presents with soft blue lesions on the chest ,back, upper arms & face Has had these since teenage years (can't remember if had them as a kid) His father & older brother both have similar lesions He is worried as more lesions are cropping up esp on his face & on his lips His previous GP tried to do Cryotherapy on one of them but "it bled like hell" On exam these are soft compressible lesions Dermoscopy shows heamangioma like vascular lesions (sorry no dermoscopy pics) Dx - Is this Blue Rubber Bleb Naevus Syndrome?(Bean Syndrome) If yes then how to treat these lesions?
Related Links: eMedicine on Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome |
Case Comments |
Final Diagnosis
Possible Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome , or Venous hemangiomas I suspect the latter. See this true Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Case |