Diagnosis: Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC)
Description: Severely pruritic rounded lichenified plaque at the ankle region
Morphology: Lichenification
Site: Ankle
Sex: F
Age: 20
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) or also known as localized neurodermatitis is due to habit of repeated rubbing or scratching the skin in response to psychological upset or stress. It usually occurs in adults and elderly people and clinically presents as an extremely pruritic lichenified plaques with or without excoriations. The sites of predilection are the lower legs especially around the ankles, the dorsa of the hands, elbow and knee extensors, the nape of the neck (esp. in females), the scalp (esp. in elderly) and the anogenital area especially the scrotum and vulva. However any area accessible to the hands of the patient can be involved. The course of this problem is chronic and may take many years with relapses occurring mainly at periods of stress.