Diagnosis: Lichen Striatus
Description: Linear band-like papular rash along Blaschko's lines of the right lower extremity
Morphology: Lines of Blaschko
Site: Limbs
Sex: M
Age: 12
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Many dermatoses may tend to follow Blaschko's lines in their clinical presentation like linear epidermal nevus, psoriasis, LP and lichen striatus. Lichen striatus is a fairly uncommon dermatitis that, as a rule, occurs in children from 5 to 15 years of age, but may be seen in adults. It usually manifests itself as a unilateral eruption along Blaschko's lines on the extremities, trunk, or neck as either a continuous or an interrupted band composed of minute, slightly raised, erythematous papules, which may have a scaly surface. The lesions appear abruptly and usually involute within a year. They are occasionally pruritic. Hypopigmented lesions may be seen in dark-skinned patients.