Diagnosis: Basal cell carcinoma
Description: BCC with healed centre and an active margin
Morphology: Ulcer
Site: Face
Sex: M
Age: 68
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: BCC is the commonest skin tumor in elderly people. Many therapeutic options are available for tumor removal or destruction and the 5 year recuurence rate is about 5% for most of these therapeutic options. Here is a case of BCC treated before with surgical excision which seems to be was not adequate and recurrence of the tumour within 2 years was the yield. The recurrent tumor was treated with 5% 5-FU cream (not suitable option for recurrent BCC) for 8 weeks and resulted in healing of the centre of the lesion with scarring but still with active border.