Diagnosis: Frictional lichenoid eruption of childhood
Description: Lichenoid papules
Morphology: Papules
Site: Elbow
Sex: M
Age: 10
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Shahbaz Janjua
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Frictional lichenoid eruption of childhood is a mildly pruritic benign condition that mainly affects boys in the first decade of life. The disorder has been given several names including recurrent papular reaction of childhood, summertime pityriasis of the elbows and knees, recurrent papular eruption of childhood, and summer lichenoid dermatitis of the elbows. It consists of coalescing 1- to 2-mm, skin-colored papules on the back of the hands, fingers, elbows, and knees, although it may occur elsewhere on the body. The eruption is unaccompanied by systemic findings but often a history of contact with abrasive material is elicited (eg, sand, grasses, shrubbery, wool carpet, and fabric). The eruption is self-limiting but may resolve more quickly with the application of a mild topical corticosteroid.