Diagnosis: Nevus anemicus
Description: irregular sharply bordered white asymptomatic patch
Morphology: Hypopigmentation
Site: Neck nape
Sex: F
Age: 38
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Mehravaran Mehrdad
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Neavus Anemicus (Vörner 1906) Naevus anemicus has many interesting clinical features. Ihe lesions are highly irregular, sharply bordered white patches that are always asymptomatic. While most patients have a single patch on the trunk, widespread multiple lesions may also be seen. Often they are difficult to see against the background color of the patient’s skin, but if sunburn develops, then the white area stands out prominently (as in this case). Similarly, if the skin is rubbed or irritated, there is no reflex reddening in the neavus anemicus. Pathology. Skin is entirely normal. Naevus anemicus is thus one of the classic disorders in which microscopic examination offers no clue to the disease. Differential diagnosis. Vitiligo, naevus depigmentosus Treatment. There in no treatment other than excision, which is rarely needed. A 38-year-old female with a highly irregular sharply bordered white asymptomatic patch. Patient was reassured, with no treatment required.