Diagnosis: Scabies crusted
Description: Crusted plaques and erosions
Morphology: Crusts
Site: Hand,palm
Sex: F
Age: 70
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Shahbaz Janjua
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Crusted or Norwegian scabies was described in 1848 by Danielssen and Boeck as a severe form of human scabies characterized by the presence of thick crusted lesions containing a large number of parasites. Crusted scabies usually develops in patients with defective T-cell immune response, or reduced cutaneous sensibility due to physical or mental debilitation. Scabies can develop in association with transplantation, AIDS, T-cell leukemia or lymphoma and has been observed in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, and dermatomyositis. Crusted scabies was also described in otherwise healthy individuals using potent topical coricosteroids.