Diagnosis: Tuberous sclerosis complex
Description: Facial angiofibromas
Morphology: Papules,brown
Site: Face
Sex: F
Age: 35
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Shahbaz Janjua
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) was discovered in the 1880's by a French physician named Bourneville. TSC is an incurable multisystem genetic disorder which can have a wide range of effects. The physical symptoms of TSC which often lead to its diagnosis include hamartomaceous lesions of the brain, heart, kidneys, skin, lungs, and eyes, mental retardation, seizures, autism, fibromas of the finger and toenails, pitted teeth, and dermatological lesions. A variety of dermatological disorders have been correlated to TSC. Some of these include hypomelanotic macules, confetti skin lesions, facial angiofibromas, ungual fibromas, Shagreen's patches, and forehead plaque.