Diagnosis: Tumid lupus
Description: Annular red non scaly plaque
Morphology: Red,nonscaly
Site: Neck front
Sex: F
Age: 44
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Patient of Dr
44 year old lady
diagnosed about 20 years ago with " Lupus" - I assume discoid type.
She reports some 6 months of sun sensitivity of her anterior chest and neck; if exposed, small blisters appear. she has been avoiding the sun.
About 2 weeks ago this annular ring on her neck appeared. Non- itchy.
She tried some steroid cream (triamcinolone) on it without any benefit.
A punch biopsy of the annular ring:
"The epidermis appears normal. There is a dense superficial and deep perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes associated with increased amounts of dermal mucin. The differential includes erythema anulare centrifgum, a polymorphous light eruption and lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin ( Jessner) and tumid lupus erythematosus. In view of history, the latter seems most likely"
She is avoiding the sun already. The question is: is there any topical treatment which will help her?
A strong topical steroid cream such as diprosone plus sun protection should help. (Submitted By: Dr Ian McColl)