Diagnosis: Insect bite reaction 1
Description: Papulovesicular lesions in a line on the forehead
Morphology: Vesicles
Site: Forehead
Sex: F
Age: 38
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Patient of Dr 38 year old lady with no medical history presenting with swollen and slightly itchy lesions on forehead of 2 days duration. Had self managed prior to presentation with SOOV cream (anti-septic) and prior to that a day of 1% hydrocortisone cream. On presentation there were three distinct plaques with a ?central vesicle ( applogies that the photos are not in the best focus) Swollen and not much surrounding erythema or warmth. Viral PCR swab was taken and resulted negative for HSV 1 & 2 and VZV. Followed up 4 days later the duration of which she only applied solugel with oral anti-histamines with which it settled down beautifully. Diagnosis ? Insect Bite
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