Diagnosis: Hot tub folliculitis
Description: Pustules on a red base
Morphology: Pustules
Site: Neck side
Sex: F
Age: 33
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Patient of Dr
33 yr woman, visiting, Onset rash overnight. Had been a swimming pool at a hotel the prev night. Other family members- no rash.
Swim suit covered lateral area torso.
She has been well before this.
No medical problems
No meds.
Felt flushed and a bit of fever.
Exam Temp 38.4
The Rash
Papular vesicular, with markedly erythematous bases, some becoming comfluent.
Single papules- with some evolving , some full of whitish pus.
Distribution- neck and bilateral axillary , onto abdo as shown... nil elsewhere.