Diagnosis: Dermatophytosis
Description: Two types of skin lesions
Morphology: Red,scaly
Site: Chest
Sex: M
Age: 34
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Patient of Dr 34 yo , no sig PMHx / FHx , no med . 12/12 of pruritic erythematous dry rash. Clearly he seemed to me to have tinea but also he had another rash which I was not clear what it was Was I dealing with two pathologies ? were they related . Bx showed Tinea and acantholytic keratosis as being the pustular component of the rash . What is the relation and how to manage Clinical Notes: Biopsy Report : 12 Months of itchy red scaly rash. Macroscopic: 2. 'Trunk'. The specimen consists of a punch biopsy of skin Microscopic: 2. The biopsy shows an acantholytic lichenoid keratosis. Multiple Summary: 1. AXILLA - IN KEEPING WITH DERMATOPHYTE / TINEA. When I looked at the distant view I thought he had tinea versicolor plus an excoriated dermatitis but the scale on the close up is more a dermatophyte than a yeast. Did you scape it for culture and microscopy? Remember a skin scraping is a better way to confirm a fungal infection than a skin biopsy!