Diagnosis: Hidradenitis suppurativa
Description: Abscesses of early hidradenitis suppurativa
Morphology: Abscess
Site: Axillae
Sex: M
Age: 34
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Patient of Dr
34 yr old male with tender firm cystic nodules both deep and superficial in the rt axilla since 4 days. Initially the lesion was small which gradually increased in size and number.The same process has started occurring in the left axilla as well.No h/o discharge from the lesion or fever.No h/o diabetes or any other ailment.About 10 days back pt. had some kidney problem for which he was given 3rd generation cephlosporins and the condition resolved.
D/D:Hydradenitis suppurativa