Diagnosis: Spongiotic dermatitis
Description: Itchy excoriated eczematous areas back
Morphology: Excoriation
Site: Back
Sex: M
Age: 68
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Case from Dr P Dissanayake This 68 year old , came to see me yesterday with a generalised itchy rash which he has over one year. He has been to few GPs and precribed various topical steroids but he has not had long lasting improvement. He was tested for scabies with skin scrapings but result was negative. Also he was treated with several anti-scabies lotions few times but has had no improvement over the last six month.
He was referred to a Dermatologist about 3 months ago and a course of Prednisolone and Advantan cream were precribed for "Eczema"but he has had only minor relief. He is on Lipitor, Atacand, Metoprolol and Aspirin for IHD for several years. He has had no history of Eczema, Asthma or Hayfever. He has had no history of similar rash in the past. No other singinificant medical history. What do you think about this man's rash. How can I treat him ? I would appreciate your opinion. My approach would be this. Thorough history, especially regarding what was happening around the time the rash started, drug history expecially which oral meds he started and at what time in relation to the start of the rash. Hobbies, interests, changes of employment and housing. Did he get a new pet or other animal. Full general exam to exclude systemic illness. Blood screening with rast general screen, inflammatory markers, immunoglobulins, iron studies, LFT, UEC, etc. Biopsy an active area which has not been excoriated. Swab for MCS as he probably has staph colonisation.
Related Links: Dermnet on an overview of Dermatitis types |