Diagnosis: Dermatomyositis
Description: Note redness over joints and ragged cuticles
Morphology: Red,scaly
Site: Hand,dorsum
Sex: F
Age: 58
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Patient of Dr J Lim
58 years old lady with recurrence of ovarian carcinoma has itchy red patches over hands (knuckles, hand dorsum & palms) and other sun exposed areas appears erythematous & scaly. She also experience difficulty in standing from a squatting position.
skin biopsy came back as dermatomyositis- which likely to be a paraneoplastic dermatomyosistis.
This was an interesting case of dermatomyositis. The presence of the redness over the knuckles and over the posterior nail folds is quite characteristic of this condition.