Diagnosis: Urticaria Pigmentosa
Description: Nearly confluent red brown macules
Morphology: Macule brown
Site: Chest
Sex: M
Age: 32
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
32 y/0 male
Patient of Dr
4 years history of gradual onset purplish maculopapular exanthem
started as few lesions on the trunk and limbs and gradually extending to the rest of skin and getting more florid- specially in the past year
Rash itchy in nature
Otherwise healthy
On no medication
No history of systemic symptoms or weight loss
We did a biopsy which confirmed the diagnosis of cutaneous mastocytosis. Because of the widespread involvement, we organised FBC,ELFTs, BMA/B, CXR
to r/o systemic involvement. We also referred him to haematology team for review.