Diagnosis: Leishmaniasis
Description: Scaly plaque eyelid
Morphology: Red,scaly
Site: Eyelids
Sex: F
Age: 20
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Case of Dr A Almuslehi This patient 20 years old from rural area 100 miles northeast Baghdad-Iraq Bites of the female sandfly transmit this intracellular Protozoa to humans. Various animals can be hosts for the sandfly. The size and degree of inflammation depend on the virulence of the parasite and the host immune response. The incubation time averages about 2 months so the patient may not present with a lesion until some time after they return from overseas. Sporotrichoid spread ie spread along lymphatics can occur with this condition. Intralesional sodium stibogluconate is still the preferred treatment. Some lesions will ultimately resolve on there own but they leave a depressed scar.