Diagnosis: Lichen myxedematosus
Description: Some linear papules outlined by the arrow.
Morphology: Papules,skin coloured
Site: Axillae
Sex: M
Age: 55
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Lichen myxedematosus is a rare papular infiltrating disorder where mucin is slowly deposited into the dermis, initially as papules but later forming diffuse plaques and nodules and in some cases evolving into the condition known as scleromyxedema with facial changes and sclerodactyly changes similar to scleroderma. This process occurs over years. Scleromyxedema has often an associated monoconal gamopathy of IgG Lambda light chains. By definition lichen myxedematosus does not show this.Treatment of both conditions is difficult.