Diagnosis: Allergic contact dermatitis
Description: pruritic linear papulovesicular eruption
Morphology: Linear
Site: Hand,dorsum
Sex: F
Age: 18
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Kiran Nabar
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
18 year old female came with history of pruritic lesions on forearms hands and legs for 3 days. Lesions were multiple tiny vesicles with erythema on forearms dorse of hands and legs. On dorsa oh right hand and on right leg there were prominent linear/ streaky papulovesicular lesions Such lesions are seen commonly in case of plant related ( phyto) allergic contact dermatitis.
When asked leading questions, she gave history of working in farm for rice cultivation and while coming home she had also pulled and plucked leaves of taro plant.
Even marking nut allergy presents similarly.