Diagnosis: Facial lichen striatus
Description: Skin colored papules and confluent plaques along Blaschko's lines
Morphology: Papules,skin coloured
Site: Face
Sex: M
Age: 20
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Shahbaz Janjua
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Lichen striatus is characterized by an abrupt onset of discrete, asymptomatic, flesh-colored, pink, tan, or erythematous, small, flat-topped papules that follow Blaschko lines in children. Papules often coalesce to form a hyperpigmented continuous or interrupted linear band over a few weeks. The linear band, usually a few cm long and a few mm to 2 cm wide, may develop a curved appearance as it typically follows Blaschko lines. The papules may appear hypopigmented (lichen striatus albus) in dark-skinned individuals. Typically, the eruption is solitary and unilateral. Although lichen striatus may involve any parts of the body, the extremities are most commonly affected, followed by the trunk, buttocks, face, and neck. Pruritus is uncommon.