Diagnosis: Insect bite reaction
Description: pruritic,excoriated,erythematous prurigo papules
Morphology: Papules
Site: Chest
Sex: M
Age: 4
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Kiran Nabar
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
This is flea bite reaction. In books it is mentioned that flea bite reaction occurs on lower parts of legs up to 1 foot from ground. This is because fleas hop up to that distance. I have observed in my practice that flea bite lesions usually occur on covered areas. When kids play with dogs and cats ,these fleas accidentally enter under the closes . They are trapped in areas where clothes are snuggly fitting. eg. waistline area, buttocks, anterior and posterior axillary folds, upper back, scapullary area etc. Vaults of axillae are spared being concve areas where fleas can remain undisturbed. I think under fear and insecurity, just as protective mechanism they bite.(It is rule of nature)
Sometimes there is no history of contact with dogs or cats. In such cases, if one is strongly suspecting flea bite reaction, he should ask history of playing in sand or in bushes or in grass. Fleas when fall off from dogs and cats , after feeding, they remain in sands or bushes or grass where these animals have gone.