Diagnosis: Tinea corporis
Description: Eczematous rash
Morphology: Red,scaly
Site: Buttocks
Sex: F
Age: 45
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
A moderately itchy eczematous rash with partial response to topicals (mostly CS) with most patches have defined borders which seem to be more active than the central parts of the lesions!
The most important DDx were:
1. Widespread tinea corporis + Tinea pedis
2. Atopic eczema (adulthood stage)
3. Patch stage of MF.
KOH mount preparation yielded fungal hyphae from three different sites so skin biopsy wasn't needed to go further in confirming the diagnosis of widespread tinea corporis plus tinea pedis (not necessarily incognito!). Griseofulvin 500 mg twice daily for 6 weeks resulted in complete clearance of the rash with no recurrence 3 months after stoppage of therapy. A case of widespread tinea corporis and tinea pedis of long duration due to wrong management!