Diagnosis: Psoriasis scalp
Description: Thick silvery scale in scalp
Morphology: Scales
Site: Scalp
Sex: M
Age: 30
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Scalp psoriasis differes from seborrhoeic dermatitis in that the scale is thicker and more extensive and itch is not as prominent a feature. Check for psoriasis elsewhere on the elbows and knees.
Treatment centres around removing the scale with a keratolytic such as 6% salicylic acid in emulsifying ointment applied overnight for 3 nights followed by a steroid lotion such as Novasone or a combination product such as Daivobet gel. Avoid scratching as this invokes the Koebner reaction which makes the scaling worse. Tar shampoos help delay recurrences.