Diagnosis: Striae distensae
Description: Transverse linear atrophy.
Morphology: Atrophy
Site: Shins
Sex: F
Age: 15
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
A teenager girl presented with symmetrical pinkish transverse atrophied plaques on both legs of 3-4 months duration. She gave history of an intake of a mixture of herbs prepared as capsules by a medical substaff to increase the appetite with the aim of gaining weight!!! Acneiform eruption was also seen on her back and chest which increased the possibility of a corticosteroid had been added to that mixture!!! a practice not uncommon in some developing countries!!! The striking feature in this case was that the horizontal (trnasverse) orientation of striae on the legs!!!