Diagnosis: Discoid lupus erythematosus
Description: Scarring alopecia
Morphology: Atrophy
Site: Scalp
Sex: F
Age: 35
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Shahbaz Janjua
Differential DiagnosisHistory: DLE is a chronic and recurrent disorder of unknown etiology that primarily affects sun exposed skin of the malar prominences, bridge of the nose, scalp, and external auditory canals. The lesions may be extensive involving the upper trunk and extensor surfaces of the extremities. The disease is more common in females during their 30s. The primary lesion is a small erythematous papule or plaque. As the lesion progresses, the scale becomes adherent and pigmentary changes are evident with central hypopigmentation and atrophy and hyperpigmentation at the active border. Multiple lesions may merge together to form larger plaques. As the lesions expand, dilatation of the follicular openings occurs with subsequent keratinous plugging. The lesions heal with atrophy and scarring. Scalp involvement results in permanent alopecia of the affected areas.