Diagnosis: Chromomycosis Chromoblastomycosis
Description: A large, hyperkeratotic , verrucous plaque
Morphology: Plaque
Site: Shoulder
Sex: F
Age: 31
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Irfan Bari
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic localized infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that follows the traumatic implantation of the etiologic agent. The lesions are verrucoid, ulcerated, and crusted, and may be flat or raised. Satellite lesions may develop following autoinoculation and by lymphatic spread to adjacent areas. The mycosis usually remains localized with extensive keloid formation. After many years, the lesions may resemble the head of a cauliflower. Many different fungi cause this disease. The disease takes its common name from the fact that most of the etiologic agents are dark-walled.