Diagnosis: Leprosy tuberculoid
Description: Hypopigmented,anaesthetic and anhydrotic patches on the back
Morphology: Hypopigmentation
Site: Back
Sex: M
Age: 35
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Tuberculoid leprosy is usually seen as a hypopigmented,anaesthetic and anhydrotic patch or patches,few in number, usually seen on the face,limbs or trunk.Sometimes superficial nerves in proximity to the involved areas are enlarged and tender.Nerve involvement is an early feature of tuberculoid leprosy and may show muscle wasting and weakness in the areas the nerve supplies.Typically the interosseous muscles of the hand,or wasting of the thenar or hypothenar muscles may cause finger contractures as can be seen in the image above..Facial paralysis and foot drop may also be seen.