Granuloma annulare is relatively common disease characterized clinically by dermal papules and annular plaques.
Localized granuloma annulare: This is the most common form. Localized granuloma annulare is characterized by skin-colored to violaceous lesions up to 5 cm in diameter. Usually, the epidermis has attenuated surface markings. Annular rings with solitary firm papules or nodules may be present. Localized granuloma annulare has a predilection for the feet, ankles, lower limbs, and wrists.
Generalized granuloma annulare: This form occurs predominantly in adults. The trunk is usually involved, as well as the neck, extremities, face, scalp, palms, and soles. Lesions range from widespread papules to annular plaques to large, discolored patches with a variety of coloration from yellow to violaceous.
Subcutaneous granuloma annulare: This form occurs predominantly in children. Subcutaneous granuloma annulare is characterized by firm or hard asymptomatic nodules in the deep dermis or subcutaneous tissues, with individual lesions measuring from 5 mm to 4 cm in diameter. They are prevalent on the anterotibial plateau, ankles, dorsal feet, buttocks, hands, scalp, and eyelids.
Perforating granuloma annulare: This form is very rare. Perforating granuloma annulare is usually localized to the dorsal hands and fingers or may be generalized on the trunk and extremities. A variety of superficial umbilicated papules develop, with or without a discharge, that heal with scarring.
Arcuate dermal erythema: This is an uncommon form of granuloma annulare that manifests as infiltrated erythematous patches that may form large, hyperpigmented rings with central clearing.