Diagnosis: Chancroid
Description: Ulcer in the inguinal area,inflammatotry phimosis
Morphology: Ulcer
Site: Genital
Sex: M
Age: 34
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Karumuri Siva Rami Reddy
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
He had H/O multiple extramarital sexual exposures for the last few years.He developed penile ulcers follwed by inguinal bubo 1 month back.The bubo ruptured to form an ulcer.He developed phimosis and penile edema.Few abscesses were present over the dorsal penis.He had anal ulcerations.He had cervical and inguinal lymphadenopathy.He was HIV reactive.VDRL was non reactive.Clinically The phimosis was due to infammation from Chancroid.The ulcer was due to rupture of Inguinal lymph node which was causing inflammatory bubo.Smear should be done to demonstrate H.Ducrei both from the ulcer and the subprepucial discharge.Granuloma inguinale and Lymphogranulama venereum should be excluded by doing biopsy.