Diagnosis: Condylomata accuminata
Description: Giant warty tumor.
Morphology: Warty
Site: Perianal
Sex: F
Age: 45
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
A middle-aged woman presented with giant warty tumor involved the perianal area and surrounding buttocks in a symmetrical pattern of more than one year duration. The patient denied any illegal sexual activity and she was HIV negative. Skin biopsy showed verrucous Ca. Giant Condyloma Acuminatum, also known as Buschke-Lowenstein tumor is a rare, aggressive, wart-like growth that is a verrucous carcinoma. Unlike other HPVinduced genital carcinomas, this tumor is usually caused by HPV-6. It occurs most often on the glans or prepuce of an uncircumcised male; less often it may occur on perianal skin or the vulva. uncommonly it may metastasize to regional lymph nodes. Treatment is by complete surgical excision.