Diagnosis: Wasp sting
Description: Circular erythema with central necrosis.
Morphology: Swelling
Site: Arm,forearm
Sex: M
Age: 20
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: The manifestations of wasp stings may range from mild local erythema and edema to severe anaphylactic shock and death within minutes of sting. Serum sickness with fever, urticaria and arthralgia may occur 7-10 days later. The presented patient gave history of a wasp sting which few minutes later was followed by pain, redness and mild edema that took circular configuration with a central necrotic punctum at the site of sting (large target-like appearance). Lymphangitis appeared as a red line radiating out from the lesion toward the axilla was evident on examination.