Diagnosis: Piebaldism
Description: Congenital depigmented patches.
Morphology: Hypopigmentation
Site: All Sites
Sex: F
Age: 1
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Piebaldism is a rare, autosomal-dominant syndrome. It presents at birth. The characteristic clinical features are a white forelock and patchy vitiligo-like lesions. The depigmented lesions are static and characteristically occur on the anterior and posterior trunk, mid-upper arm to wrist, mid-thigh to mid-calf, and shins. A characteristic feature of piebaldism is the presence of hyperpigmented macules within the areas lacking pigmentation and also on normally pigmented skin. The white forelock is a triangular or diamond-shaped midline white macule on the frontal scalp or forehead.