Diagnosis: Tinea incognito
Description: Red scaly patches with active borders.
Morphology: Red,scaly
Site: Face
Sex: F
Age: 50
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: This woman suffered a red scaly rash on the face of one year duration. Many diagnoses have been put by many doctors and for which topical corticosteroids gave the patient temporary satisfactory results. However, the rash every time improved followed by worse relapse. At examination, many rounded, oval and polycyclic red patches with active scaly borders and clear centers on the face, neck and upper chest (photosensitive areas) were seen. The rash clinically resembled subacute cutaneous LE. KOH examination of scales gave strong positive result for hyphae and spores. The case has been cured by one month treatment with systemic griseofulvin and topical clotrimazole.