Diagnosis: Pilomatricoma
Description: Hard nodule.
Morphology: Nodule
Site: Neck front
Sex: M
Age: 15
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Pilomatricoma is the commonest hair follicle-related tumor. It may occur at any age. The majority of patients are under 20 years of age, and females are affected more often than males. The lesion is usually a solitary, deep, dermal or subcutaneous tumor 3–30 mm in diameter situated in the head, neck or upper extremity. The skin over the tumor is normal and the lesion has a firm to stone-hard consistency and a lobular shape on palpation. The diagnosis can be suspected if a subcutaneous nodule feels hard and lobular. The microscopic picture is, however, diagnostic. This patient presented with a hard asymptomatic nodule which has been excised and histologically showed lobules of basaloid cells intermixed with pale pink areas containing ghost cells, a picture characteristic of pilomatricoma.