Diagnosis: Lichen planus childhood
Description: Purplish, polygonal, plane-topped papules.
Morphology: Violaceous
Site: Limbs
Sex: F
Age: 7
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Children represent only 4% of cases of lichen planus. The lesions of LP in children usually are characterized by being: 1. Often atypical. 2. Linear or segmental patterning. 3. Prominent follicular involvement. 4. Significant nail changes with deformities. 5. A long course is common. 6. Classic lesions are uncommon. 7. Family history of LP is common. This girl has had LP of about 10 months duration. She has negative family history of LP, the nails were uninvolved, the lesions were classical with the characteristic mnemonic 5Ps,linear distribution of the rash on the trunk and upper limbs with sparing of the face.