Diagnosis: Epidermoid cysts
Description: Multiple yellow cystic nodules.
Morphology: Nodule,yellow
Site: Cheek
Sex: F
Age: 38
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory: Numerous asymptomatic small yellowish cystic nodules affecting both cheeks and forehead of many years duration. The reason behind dermatologic consultation was cosmetic bothering caused to the patient by the unsightly appearance of the lesions.Some of the lesions especially on the forehead had a bluish tint so resembling black head comedones. One cyst was opened and a thick keratinous material with a bad odor has seeped out. The main differential diagnosis was steatocystoma multiplex which is a hereditary condition that usually favors the axillae, sternal area and the arms. In addition, it usually contains an oily odorless material.