Diagnosis: Dermatosis papulosa nigra
Description: Enter Description
Morphology: Papules,black
Site: Face papules multiple
Sex: M
Age: 49
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Ebtisam Elghblawi
Differential DiagnosisHistory: A young male, 49 years old, complaining of extensive eruptive brownish skin lesion all over the face, mostly forehead, cheeks, sides of both neck. and with some umblicated rounded skin lesion (central, sharply depressed center) over the forehead and one on left alae nasi region. the patient cant recall the exact occurance of the skin lesion, howvere he stated that those umblicated lesion developed since 10-15 years. O/E; there is multiple, small brownish- blackish, firm rounded nevi like lesion (papules), ranging between 1-5 cm, and one big on the right temple area,1x 1.5 cm, keratotic surface, could be seborrhic keratosis. the other umblicated lesion could be mollscum contagiosum. no other family member affected apart from his elderest brother who have the same skin lesions. the patient is on good health condition. he didnt apply any medications. he dosent have a direct sun contact, only once since 5 years whereby stayed three hours in the direct sun light, howvere those lesion were there since long time. One big seborrhoeic keratoses on the right temple area, with multiple dermatosis papulosa nigra, and few scattered Molluscum contagiosum over the anterior forehead and left cheek area near alae nasi. one member of family affected (so genetic element exist in this case).