Diagnosis: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Description: Dull red plaques.
Morphology: Plaque
Site: Foot,dorsum
Sex: F
Age: 18
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
The lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis are characterized by being painless and non-tender (unless secondarily infected), involving the exposed parts of the body, dusky red in colour, having indurated consistency, and with slow evolution from macule- papule- plaque - nodule- ulcer and ending with atrophic scar. The disease is endemic in Iraq and hence the name Baghdad boil is widely used. The usual victims of this parasitic infestation are children and young adults as in the presented patient who had multiple dull-red plaques and nodules on her left foot. As evident, the lesions are crusted and starting to ulcerate with secondary bacterial infection.