Diagnosis: Halo nevus
Description: White halo surrounds a pigmented compound naevus.
Morphology: Hypopigmentation
Site: Chest
Sex: M
Age: 18
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Halo nevus (Sutton nevus; Leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum) is the development of a circular halo, about 0.5-1.0cm wide, of hypomelanosis around a central cutaneous tumour which is usually a benign melanocytic naevus but may be a neuroid naevus, a blue naevus, a neurofibroma, or a primary or secondary malignant melanoma. This phenomenon is not uncommon and usually seen in young people. Halo naevi occur with increased frequency in patients with certain organ-specific autoimmune disorders, like vitiligo. Most halo naevi are pigmented compound naevi that usually appear on the trunk, less commonly on the head and rarely on the limbs. The naevus tends to flatten and may disappear completely. The depigmented areas often persist, but may pigment after many years.