Diagnosis: Vitiligo
Description: Poliosis
Morphology: Hypopigmentation
Site: Scalp
Sex: M
Age: 16
Type: Clinical
Submitted By: Nameer Al-Sudany
Differential DiagnosisHistory:
Poliosis is the presence of a localized patch of white hair due to the absence or deficiency of melanin in a group of neighbouring follicles. The causes of poliosis are either: hereditary ( Piebaldism, Waardenburg's syndrome, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, Alezzandrini's syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis) or acquired like vitiligo, resoluting alopecia areata, or inflammatory processes which damage melanocytes, for example herpes zoster or X-irradiation. The presented case is vitiligo involving both the skin and the hair (poliosis) of six months duration. Vitiliginous process started first in the skin with two depigmented patches affected the chest and three months later a patch of hair in the occipital region turned white.